Struggle by Booji Boy
1st Pressing - No title on cover
Very hard to find bound
book written & illustrated by Mark Mothersbaugh/Devo. This is
a 1st edition. Here's what I know, from the only printer of My
“This is an authentic 1st Edition of MY STRUGGLE by Mark
Mothersbaugh. I printed it and bound it with bee frame nails during
the summer of 1978. The first edition had both red & yellow
leatherette covers because i ran out of the red, which was the original
plan. I printed the pages 4 up on 81/2 x 11 paper on my multilith
850 and used a borrowed paper cutter to quarter them....i delivered
half of the printing of 700 copies unassembled to Mark; the ones
I did were put together with beehive frame nails bent over, which
i assembled...i dont know how Mark assembed his half of the first
printing. The one shown here
must have been Mark's doing, because i didnt use the gold inlaid
cover printing. A substantial number of the ones i assembled have
a red ribbon glued into the spine, to be used like a prayerbook
version is slightly bigger than the version with “My Struggle”
printed on the cover. (seems that the printer cropped the pages
a little larger than Mark did when he had his copies bound). There
is no light-blue/green intro page, and no "This Book Belongs
To" stamp.
Mine doesn't include the prayer ribbon, unfortunately.