Fan Made Wooden Energy Dome (Chile) 2015
Custom made Wooden Energy Dome. Made in 2015 by Claudio Cerda Rojas & his father-in-law.
This could possibly be used as a vaccuform mold to make plastic Energy Domes, but I'm not 100% sure.

See links below for photos of the wooden dome being manufactured. (Photos of manufacturing by Claudio Cerda Rojas)
Manfacturing #1
Manfacturing #2
Manfacturing #3
Manfacturing #4
Manfacturing #5
Manfacturing #6
Manfacturing #7
Manfacturing #8
Manfacturing #9
Manfacturing #10
Manfacturing #11
Claudio is also responsible for creating this Metal Energy Dome in honor of DEVO's proposed 2007 show in Chile (which was cancelled). He finally was able to present this to the band when they came to Chile in 2014.