80's Australia Tour Energy Dome
Energy Dome that was reportedly available during DEVO's 1982 tour of Australia.
Info I got from the person who sold the dome to me:
"I bought 3 of these from a guy who had a toy store which closed back in 1983. I remember going to the royal Melbourne DEVO show, which was like a state fair. These hats were sold there...I remember groups of teenagers wearing these hats. The domes were either sold in showbags with candy & other novelties, or sold separately. After the show some of these hats appeared in local toy stores."
Info from Greg Cheetham, a fan who remembers these:
"These were included in the Countdown Show bag, a marketing tradition at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, and were really flimsy. Countdown was a national music show in Australia, Devo were bona fide 'pop stars' in Australia and the dome was a perfect gee-gaw to include in a show bag produced to market Countdown. I recall walking through the streets of Sydney CBD that night after the Easter Show with my friends all wearing these domes, and arriving at Government House in Macquarie Street, home of the NSW state government. We impaled our domes on the steel spikes of the fence at Government House as some sort of confused protest against the crass consumerism symbolised by these inferior domes, and also, as a political statement of course about government needing to embrace the New Traditionalist spirit being espoused by our counter culture hero's D-E-V-O. We'd be shot or at least tazed for doing that now in our uber-paranoid para military state."
At 5.5" tall, this dome is smaller than the Club DEVO Energy Domes that were sold by DEVO in the 80's. (see photo at left). The Aussie dome is on the far right. Original Club DEVO dome in the middle, and the current 2013 dome is far left.
Made of paper thin red plastic. No "DEVO" on the top...just a smooth flat top with a slight inner groove around the edge. "Made In China" sticker inside dome. Slight lip on bottom tier.